Loan Limits Have Been Reduced!!

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Just this week, FHA announced they will be lowering loans limits across the country! So, what does that that good or bad? Unfortunately, this is going to hurt the market place in these high cost living areas. If your going to be purchasing or refinancing using an FHA loan, the amount FHA is willing to cover is decreasing. For example, in some counties, if you needed a loan for $350,000, FHA will now only cover $323,000. To put it simply, you wouldn't be able to get that loan. The down side is that many people currently use FHA to finance their home purchase, and this will essentially remove FHA as an option. If you're a seller, and you have buyers looking at your home, they may no longer qualify through the FHA program, and will need to seek alternative financing options.

If you don't want to be subject to these new loan regulations, you need to have your loan in process and underwritten by a DE underwriter by September 30th...that's only 29 days away. Want to know if you are affected by this change? Check out HUD's FHA Mortgage Limits page and see where your county's new loan limits will be set.